Sunday, July 24, 2011

Don't Make Fun of People...Karma Will Get You

So, a couple of days ago I entered the restroom right outside my room to throw away some empty water bottles.  It was first thing in the morning and I was just starting my day.  As I left the restroom I felt something on the back of my head followed by a sharp pain...stung again.  I have no doubt it was amusing for the Afghan gentleman who was watching me hit myself on the back of the head repeatedly with my own hat trying to make sure there wasn't some kind of bug attached to my head.  Oh yeah, I was also somewhere between yelling and screaming because of the shock of the moment and the searing pain in my head.  I never did see what stung me but I figure it was most likely karma.  A couple of days before our senior chief had to go down to Jalalabad for some training, and while he was there he was stung in the back of the head.  Only he swelled up and went into anphlaxtic shock.  I guess I shouldn't have made fun of him.  We do have wasps wasps that make their nests all over the place.  They usually don't bother you and you almost get used to them flying around.  Of course they also have centipedes.  One of our guys was stung on the arm by a centipede but he was fine (although I guess the little sucker didn't want to let go for a few seconds). I made fun of him too (karma again).  Not sure what stung me but I immediately went to medical where they gave me some little white pills.  Doc said it wouldn't make me as sleepy as benadryl which is good because my boss happened to be flying out to spend the day at our lovely base, so obviously I couldn't be out of it.  I'm certainly glad Doc didn't give me benadryl because the little white pill he gave me kicked my butt.  Just thirty minutes before the visit, I was loopy as an amusement park ride and could barely hold my head up (not to mention my head still hurt).  Luckily I was able to make it through, and if anything it relaxed me through the visit.  Later that evening, after the boss had left,  we had some excitement when we learned the meaning of the phrase "the rockets red glare."  Thankfully everyone was safe and we responded well.  Just another crazy day in Kunar...more later.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, some quick entomology/botany/agronomy lessons - The wild ancestors of the carrot came from Iran and Afghanistan, which remains the center of diversity of D. carota, the wild carrot. If left to flower, it (like any umbellifer such as carrot, parsley, dill, fennel, and onion) attracts predatory wasps. The abundance of wasps in your area probably also attests to the presence of wide spread stands of wild carrots or some other similar plant. Eliminate the umbellifers around your compound and you will reduce the presence of wasps.
